Forensic science is the study of a wide range of sciences to answer problems in the legal system. In a variety of sectors, forensic science employs cutting-edge technology to unearth scientific evidence.


The term "forensic" is derived from the Latin word "forensics," which means "used in or suited for courts of justice or public discussion or debate." Forensic science is any science that is employed for legal purposes in the public, in a court or in the theine justice system; thus, any science that is used for legal purposes is forensic science.

Archimedes' Eureka legend (287–212 B.C.E.) can be considered an early account of the application of forensic science. Archimedes used water displacement principles to argue that a crown was not constructed of gold (as had been believed) based on its density and buoyancy. During the seventh century, fingerprints were used as a technique of establishing identity. Medical evidence was first used to determine the mode of death in China in the 11th century, and it flourished in 16th-century Europe. The Office of the Coroner, which combines a medical and judicial approach to dealing with crimes and is still utilized in the United States today, was founded in England in the 12th century by King Richard I. The coroner system was established by the American colonists, and it is still in use today. There is no requirement that a coroner is a licensed physician under federal law.

The applications of modern forensic science are numerous. In civil situations such as forgeries, fraud, or carelessness, it is used. It can assist law enforcement personnel in determining whether any rules or regulations governing the marketing of foods and beverages, the manufacture of medications, or the use of pesticides on crops have been broken. It can also tell if automotive emissions are below acceptable limits and if drinking water fulfills legal purity standards. Forensic science is used to track whether countries are complying with international accords like the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Chemical Weapons Convention, as well as to determine whether they are building secret nuclear weapons programs. In most crimes involving a victim, such as assault, robbery, kidnapping, rape, or murder, forensic science is applied.

In a criminal inquiry involving victims, the medical examiner is a key character. The medical examiner's job is to go to the crime scene, perform an autopsy (body examination) in cases of death, examine the medical evidence and laboratory reports, research the victim's medical history, and compile all of this information into a report for the district attorney, who is the public prosecuting officer for a specific district. Medical examiners are typically forensic pathologists who specialize in the study of structural and functional changes in the body as a result of injury. Forensic scientists, who are experts in these subjects, may be called upon by the medical examiner to assist in the investigation of a crime. In criminal cases, forensic scientists are frequently involved in the search for an investigation of physical traces that may be beneficial in establishing or disproving a relationship between a suspect and the crime scene or victim. Blood, other bodily fluids, hair, textile fibers from clothing, paint, glass, other building materials, footwear, tool, tire marks, and incendiary substances used to ignite fires are all examples of such traces. Occasionally, the scientist will come to the scene to offer advice on the likely sequence of events and to assist in the early evidence search. Toxicologists are forensic scientists who look for drugs, poisons, alcohol, and other chemicals in a person's bodily fluids, tissue, and organs. Others specialize in weaponry, explosives, or documents of dubious validity.

Dusting the crime scene for fingerprints is one of the earliest forensic science practices. Fingerprinting is a reliable method of identification because no two fingerprints are alike. Law enforcement officials can now digitally record fingerprints and electronically transmit and receive fingerprint information for faster identification thanks to advances in computer technology. DNA fingerprinting is a powerful tool for analyzing blood, hair, skin, and sperm evidence at a crime scene. A laboratory can quickly clone, or replicate, the DNA from a little sample of any of these chemicals using an advanced technology procedure known as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This procedure generates enough DNA to compare to a criminal suspect's DNA sample.

Today, forensic science is a high-tech field that analyses and researches evidence utilizing electron microscopes, lasers, ultraviolet and infrared light, advanced analytical chemical procedures, and computerized databanks. Actual blood tests, such as gas chromatography, can be used to determine blood alcohol levels, for example. This approach involves vaporizing a blood sample at a high temperature and passing the gas through a column that separates the various chemical components contained in the blood. Gas chromatography may identify a variety of substances, including barbiturates, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin, in addition to alcohol.

When a body is located in a lake, stream, river, or ocean with water in the lungs, the medical examiner must determine whether the drowning occurred in the area where the body was discovered or elsewhere. The presence or absence of diatoms, single-celled algae prevalent in all-natural bodies of water, is examined using a conventional microscope that can magnify things to 1,500 times their true size. Because diatoms are removed from domestic water during treatment, the absence of diatoms suggests that the drowning occurred in a sink or bathtub, not where the body was discovered.

The minute gunpowder particles present on the hand of a person who has recently shot a gun are detected using a scanning electron microscope that magnifies items 100,000 times. These particles can also be studied chemically to determine if they came from a certain type of bullet. The presence of a suspect at a crime scene can often be determined through forensic testing of substances found at the scene. Bite marks left by humans can also be used as evidence. Bite marks may be discovered on a homicide victim's body or in food or other items found at the crime scene, such as chewing gum. Liquid plastic can be used to cover the impressions left by these bites by a forensic scientist. When the cast is hardened, it becomes an exceptionally accurate reproduction of the assailant's teeth, which may be compared to a cast made from the suspect's teeth.



In criminal investigations, this involves the application of several sciences to address questions about biological evidence, trace evidence, impression evidence (such as fingerprints, shoeprints, and tire tracks), controlled substances, and guns.

Accounting for Legal Purposes

This is the research and analysis of financial data.

Forensic Anthropology

Forensic Anthropology is a branch of forensic science that deals with the study

The use of physical anthropology in a judicial situation, usually for the retrieval and identification of skeletonized human remains, is known as forensic anthropology. Economic Forensics

This includes present-day estimations of lost earnings and benefits, the lost value of a firm, lost business profits, lost value of home service, replacement labor costs, and future medical care expenditures, among other things.

Engineering Forensics

This is the study of what causes technologies, vehicles, and structures to fail.

Forensic Entomology

Forensic Entomology is a branch of forensic entomology that studies insects

This is the study of insects in, on, and around human remains to determine the time and place of death. It's also possible to tell if a body was transferred after it died.

Forensic Odontology

Forensic Odontology is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the study of teeth

This is the study of teeth's individuality.

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